Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Gold prediction

A few months back we held a survey regarding the expected price of Gold on July 1st. The results were as follows:

Above $1100 24%
Between $1000 and $1100 24%
Between $900 and $1000 22%
Between $800 and $900 15%
Below $800 15%

The actual price of gold on July 1st was around $937. Congrats to the 22% of poll takers that correctly predicted the $900 to $1000 price range.

Since the start of July, gold has been looking bit toppy as if the momentum has disappeared in the market for this precious metal. It sunk to near $916 before staging a rebound in the past couple of days. This may be setting the stage for the next leg of the run up, however it is more likely a small bounce before further downward action. The next few weeks will be interesting to watch in this market.